Monday, September 29, 2014

Ice Melting Experiment

Ice Melting Experiment
Create a question:
I want to find out how long it takes for an ice cube to melt completely when put in a room temperature room?
I think that it is going to take 20 minutes for the ice cube to melt completely.
1. Paper plate
2. Stop watch
3. Measuring tape
4. Device to take pictures with
5. Ice cube
6. Paper and pencil to record data
1. Get a paper plate and put in a room temperature room.
2. Get an ice cube and put it on a flat surface and measure how tall it is.
3. Get a stop watch ready and hit "start" when you put it on the paper plate after measuring it.
4. Take a picture at the start of the time and also every 5 minutes from the same angle and also measure it every 5 minutes.
5. To ensure reliable results do a total of 2 times.
6. When the ice cube has completely melted stop the stop watch.
7. Throw away the paper plate and water.
8. Put data in a table and find the mean for how long it takes the ice cube to melt.
Move any papers and electronics away from the ice cube so nothing will get wet or ruined.
Experiment and Data:

During my experiment the ice cube melted very slowly. The first ice cube didn't start to melt until 15 minutes. The second ice cube didn't start to melt until 20 minutes. My results didn't support my hypothesis because it took almost 4 times longer to melt than I thought it would. My results are reliable because I did it 2 times to find the average time to see how long it takes an ice cube to completely melt. The first ice cube took a total of 52 minutes and 56 seconds to melt. The second ice cube took a total of 55 minutes and 46 seconds to melt. The second ice cube was 1/4 inch taller than the first ice cube so it took longer for it to melt. The temperature of the room changed and got warmer for the second ice cube than the first one. I did not expect it to be around an hour for an ice cube to melt completely.

YouTube Video:

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