Art Connections

Origami Frog
Origami is a physical change because the paper only changes from.  A physical change is when a substance changes form or appearance. Another physical change is clay. It is clay because the
clay shrinks because of evaporation that occupies when it is put in the kiln.


Atoms in Art
Atomic Mass: 1.00794 
Symbol: H
Number of Protons: 1
Number of Neutrons: 1
Number of Electrons: 1
Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless, and least dense 
Important Uses and Information: Hydrogen gas has a molecular formula of H2. In 1783 was when  hydrogen was given its name. Hydrogen can cause balloon to float or to be lifted up upward in the air.Air consists of about 78% nitrogen. A hydrogen atom has an atomic weight or mass of 1. A balloon filled with Hydrogen gas, weighs much less than the air it displaces. This creates a buoyancy force that pushes the balloon upward. Hydrogen can also be used in fuel. 

Atomic Mass: 12.0107
Symbol: C
Number of Protons: 6
Number of Neutrons: 6
Number of Electrons: 6
Properties: Has several allotropes and isotopes
Important Information and Uses: Carbon is more flexible than rubber! Carbon is extracted from coal deposits. It is in group 14 on the periodic table. Heat resistant devices, tools and metal cutter are used to build carbon. Humans need carbon in various phases of their development. Carbon functions as a body macronutrient. All parts of the body have traces of carbon.

Atomic Mass: 15.9994
Symbol: O
Number of Protons: 8
Number of Neutrons: 8
Number of Electrons: 8
Properties: Colorless an odorless
Important Uses and Information: Oxygen is a tasteless gas and it has no smell or color. Oxygen comprises 22% of the air. This is part of the air that people breathe. It s found in the atmosphere, the human body, and the sun. Oxygen is used to make acids and other compounds. Without oxygen humans would not e able to survive. It is also part of the stellar life cycle.

 Atomic Mass: 4.002602
Symbol: He
Number of Protons: 2
Number of Neutrons: 2
Number of Electrons: 2
Properties: Colorless, odorless, and tasteless
Important Uses and Information: Helium is one of the most common elements in the universe. It is called a noble gas because it doesn't chemically interact with other elements. The human voice is charged with a bit of helium too. It is also used as light weight aircraft fuel. It is usually combined with hydrogen to put in balloons. It is usually used to help treat diseases that affect the lungs. Helium is used in different forms in medical instruments and nuclear medicine.

Drawing is by Luke Day.

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