Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gummy Bear Lab

Gummy Bear Lab

For our first lab that was done in class we did a Gummy Bear Lab. In this lab we put a gummy that was either Harbo or Black forest in a beaker that was filled with 50 ML. Then we let it sit for 24 hours and see what it was like the next day.

Create a question:
How big the gummy bear would get after 24 hours of sitting in water.

I think that the gummy bear with bigger. Also that the gummy bear will suck up the water leaving less water the next day. I think that the gummy bear's color will stay the same color the next day.

1. Record the color, length, width, thickness, volume, mass, and density.
2. Measure the length from the top of its head to the bottom of its feet and measure the width at the widest point across the back of the bear.
3. Measure the thickness from the front to the back at the thickest point and the volume by multiplying the length, width, and thickness together.
4. Measure mass with a triple-beam balance and the density by dividing the mass by the volume.
5. Record what time of day you started the experiment.
6. Fill a beaker with 50 ML of warm or cold water.
7. Take pictures of the gummy bear sitting up and laying down.
8. Also once you put the gummy bear in the water take pictures of that and record where in the room you put the gummy bear.
9. After 24 hours take the gummy bear out of the beaker and put it on a paper towel.
10. Record the amount water left in the beaker, color, length, width, thickness, volume, mass, and density.
11. Also record the amount of change that happened with everything in step 7.
12. Put all data in a chart or graph showing the change between 24 hours.
Make sure that all papers and electronics are moved away from the water so nothing gets ruined.

Experiment and Data:
Day 1-                                                  
Color- Dark yellow
Length- 1.5 cm
Width- 1 cm
Thickness- 1 cm
Volume- 1.5 cm
Mass- 2.5 grams per cubic cm
Density- 1.7 g

Day 2-
Color- Light yellow
Length- 3 cm
Width- 1 cm
Thickness- 1.5 cm
Volume- 4.5 cm
Mass- 7.5 grams per cubic cm
Density- 1.7 g

Amount of Change-
Color- Lighter
Length- 1.5 cm
Width- No change
Thickness- 0.5 cm
Volume- 3 cm
Mass- 5 g
Density- No change

My hypothesis was right and wrong because the gummy did grow as I predicted, but the color got slightly lighter and the amount of water stayed the same as the first day.

Analysis/ Conclusion-
During this experiment the gummy bear grew bigger than I thought it would have. After 24 hours of the gummy bear sitting in water I noticed that before I took it out that there was little bubbles on the outside of the gummy bear. Also when it was time to weigh the gummy bear I had to take it off the paper towel and put it on the scale, it was hard to keep it from falling apart. The gummy bear was very delicate and after I weighed it, it up and broke into pieces. The results did supported my hypothesis because it did get bigger. Also the results didn't support my hypothesis because the water level was the same after 24 hours. I thought that the gummy would take in that water making it bigger and leaving less water in the beaker, but I was wrong.

YouTube video link:

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