Monday, September 29, 2014

Physical and Chemical Changes Lab

Physical and Chemical Changes Lab
Create a question:
What is going to happen with the 8 of the small experiments we have to do? Are they going to be chemical or physical changes?
I think that half of the 8 experiments are going to be chemical and the other half is going to be physical.
1. Matches
2. Chalk
3. Vinegar
4. Water
5. Sucrose
6. Calcium chloride
7. Sodium
8. Mortar and pestle
9. Test Tubes
10. Candle
11. Foil Square
12. Tongs
1. Lighting a match- Light a single match (Look at safety precautions below)
2. Lighting a candle- Light a single candle. Observe the candle for 45 seconds.
3. Heating Sucrose- Take a pinch of sugar and place it on the foil. Using the tongs, hold the foil over the candle for approximately 1 minute.
4. Crushing chalk- Use a mortar and pestle to crush a piece of chalk.
5.Mixing Crushed chalk with vinegar- In a test tube, mix a small amount of the crushed chalk from activity #2 with vinegar.
6. Missing crushed chalk wroth water- In a test tube, mix a small amount of crushed chalk from activity #2 with water.
7. Dissolving sucrose in water- In a test tube, dissolve a small amount of sucrose in water.
8. Mixing CaCL2 and Na2 CO3 solutions- In a test tube, combine several drops of the calcium chloride and sodium carbonate solutions.
Put all data collected in a chart or table.
Safety- Before lighting a match, tie back long hair and secure loose clothing. After extinguishing the match, thoroughly douse it with water before placing it in the designated waster beaker.
Do not ingest any chemicals.
Absolutely no goofing off.
Experiment and Data:
Activity Number-  Chemical and Physical Change- Evidence
8- Chemical- the liquid went from clear to foggy
7- Physical- The sugar didn't completely dissolve
6- Physical- The chalk just sank to the bottom of the test tube
5- Chemical- It started fizzing and made bubbles
4- Physical- Still chalk
3- Physical- It melted not burned
2- Chemical then physical- It burned before it melted
1- Chemical- It burned
Analysis/ Conclusion:
During this experiment I saw the difference between chemical and physical changes during different experiments. My results did support my hypothesis because there was 4 physical changes and 4 chemical changes. During these experiments I can clearly understand now that a chemical change is when a substance changes into a different substance. Also that a physical change is one that doesn't change into a different substance and stays the same.

YouTube Video Link:

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