Friday, January 16, 2015

Disney Movie Review

10 Facts About the Disney Movie Earth
5 Star Rating

All images are from Google Search 

1. Mother polar bears don't eat for 5 months when she gives birth to her cubs. 

2. Elephants control the water hole during the day.

3. Lions control the water hole at night. 

4. The cloud of air cools to snow on the Himalayan Mountains. 

5. Cranes can conquer the highest peaks on Earth. 

6. Hump back whales migrate in the Tropics. 

7. Shallow waters are great for helping baby whales learn the way of life and to live.

8. 150 gallons of milk from mom, which means the mom has nothing to eat. 

9. Sharks eat seals while jumping out of the water. 

10. When a polar bear has 2 cubs there is a good chance that only one of the cubs will survive after a year of being born. 

Trailer for Disney movie Earth

I thought that this video was very interesting. I learned a lot of new facts about many animals that I didn't know before. I liked watching the daily life of all these animals. I didn't like though was watching the animals get killed. Even though it is the circle of life it is still sad to see all of the animals kill each other. I would definitely recommend this movie to people that like watching nature videos or even people that like animals. This was a very fun movie to watch and learn about all the animals and how they interact with each other. 

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