Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Materials: Marsh mellows
Gum Drops
Pipe cleaners
Googly eyes
Pink and blue papers

Steps: First we cut up all the tiny stripes of paper and then turned them upside down. Next we paired the blue ones with the pink ones to know what the genes were for each of our reebops. Then we used the paper to make our reebops based on what our pairs said. Based on what the paper said determined what our 2 reebops would look like. Using that we then made our reebops and took pictures of what they looked like.

We took 3 marshmallows and put them on a toothpick to make the body. Then we put another marshmallow on the front of the three to make the head. We then put gumdrops on it for the nose and the humps on the back. After that we put 2 Googly eyes for the eyes obviously. Next we put pipe cleaners on for the hair and the curly tail. Next we put pipe cleaners for the legs also so that they would be able to stand up.

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