Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What a mass

What a Mass
Create a question: I want to find out the relationship between mass and volume for different materials.
Hypothesis: I think that piece of steel is going to have the largest mass and that all the other objects will be a lot smaller than the piece of steel. I think this will happen because the piece of steel is the biggest out of all the objects and is the heaviest.
1. Balance
2. 100- mL graduated cylinder
3. Water
4. Metal samples- copper, aluminum, brass, steel, rubber, and wood
1. Get a balance and separately weigh all of the objects and record them. (Make sure to measure the mass in grams)
2. Find the volume for each object. (Find the mass by doing length X width X height and measure in cm)
3. Find the constant for each object by doing mass/ volume.
4. Record all the information in a chart or table.
5. Use a granulated cylinder and water to measure the volume of each of the different samples. Record your results in a table.
6. Divide the mass of each metal by its volume, and record your results in the same table.
Safety issues: Make sure that nothing gets ruined and nothing breaks.
Experiment and Data:
Metal-              Aluminum    Brass                 Copper     Steel                Rubber          Wood
Mass (g)-              0g              13g                    0g            159g                 11g               24g
Volume (cm3)-    0.25cm3    125cm3             0.02cm3   32.76cm3       13.75cm3      121.5gm3
Constant (g/cm3)-  0g/cm3   0.104g/cm3      0g/cm3     0.004g/cm3      0.8g/cm3      0.19g/cm3
Analysis and Conclusion: During my experiment my group found out that the steel weighed the most. That means that my hypothesis was right because the steel was the greatest and all the other objects were smaller than the steel. I did not expect the rubber to weigh as much as it did because it didn't feel that heavy.
#1- If the mass/volume constant for a substance is 2.0g/cm3, what will be the mass of 4cm3 of the substance? 8g
#2- The mass/volume constant for water is 1.0g/cm3. If a substance floats in water, is its constant less than 1 or greater than 1? Explain. The constant is less because of spacing in molecules.
#3- A scrap of metal has a mass/volume constant close to 8g/cm3. Based on your chart, what is the metal? Explain your answer. The scrap of metal is brass because there is a density of 8.4.
#4- What term describes the constant ratio between mass and volume? Density
Object Wood      Rubber     Aluminum     Copper      Brass      Steel    
Density 0.55        0.85            1                   1.875        2.38        2.54

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